
Expert Key

Expert Key

  • person Hersteller
  • directions_boat Weltweit

The new Expert Key L hardware from Delphin has been developed specifically for PC-based data acquisition and automation. The universal devices can be used for data acquisition, monitoring and analysing as well as for experiment and test stand automatio…

Expert Logger

Expert Logger

  • person Hersteller
  • directions_boat Weltweit

Expert Logger belongs to the latest generation of data loggers. It combines the latest communication technology with advanced measurement technology. The device is available in three versions capable of processing 16, 32 or 46 analog input channels. An…

LogMessage 5000

LogMessage 5000

  • person Hersteller
  • directions_boat Weltweit

LogMessage 5000 devices have been specially developed for use as universal data loggers. The ProfiSignal software enables users to immediately begin their measurment and analysis tasks. The LogMessage 5000 is equipped with 16 universal analog inputs. T…