Heike Hutmacher

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Kirschengasse 2
64807 Dieburg, Deutschland
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Soul, Style und Inspiration...

Reisen, Kunst und Handwerkliches, all das verbinde ich in meinem Schmuck.
Von jedem Kontinent, den ich bereise, verarbeite ich Mitgebrachtes und gebe der alten Münze aus China, der am tropischen Strand gefundenen Muschel oder der Kongola Samenkapsel aus Brasilien eine Bühne.
Mich faszinieren und inspirieren natürliche Materialien und fremde Kulturen. Meine Kreationen erinnern an den Schmuck der Tuareg, an traditionelle Ketten aus Afghanistan oder sind fernöstlich beeinflusst. Ich verbinde ethnische Komponenten mit modernen Materialien und daraus entstehen kraftvolle, handgefertigte Unikate.
Ich bezeichne meine Stücke gerne als tragbare Kunst, denn, anders als Modeschmuck, weckt sie Emotionen und unterstreicht die Persönlichkeit der Trägerin.

Soul,Style and Inspiration...

Travel, art and handicraft combined in one piece of jewellery.
My work includes materials brought back from all the continents I travel to and are then given a stage - the old Chinese coin, the shell picked up on a tropical beach , the Kongolo seedpod from Brazil....
I am fascinated by natural materials and foreign cultures and am inspired by them.
My creations are influenced by the Tuareg tribe's jewellery as well as traditional Afghan jewellery or may have a touch of the Far East.
I combine ethnic and modern components from which powerful and unique handmade pieces emerge.
I like to describe my items as wearable art because, unlike fashion jewellery, art evokes emotions and reveals the wearer's personality.

Soul, style and inspiration…

Travelling, arts and creative crafts make up (ODER: are all embedded in) my jewellery.
Numerous journeys have contributed to the creation of each individual piece of jewellery. Each continent (BESSER: destination?) adds to my unique creations; a shell I brought home from a tropical beach or the beauty of a Chinese coin or even the Kongola seedpot from Brazil- all have done their share in the creation of these magnificent items.
I am inspired by natural materials and foreign cultures as they fascinate me.

My creation’s inspiration is drawn either from Tuareg tribal - or from traditional Afghan jewellery and can carry a touch of the Far East.
I combine ethnic and modern components to create vigorous and unique pieces of handcraft.

I describe my pieces of work as “wearable art” because as opposed to fashion jewellery, this type of art evokes emotions and underlines the owner’s personality.

My hand-made jewelry is influenced by art, travel and quality craftsmanship.

I combine mementos from each continent I travel to, giving the old coin from China, shells or a Kongolo boll found on the tropical beaches of Brazil a new stage for their beauty.
My inspiration comes from a fascination of natural materials and foreign cultures. Some pieces may be reminiscent of Tuareg jewelry, traditional necklaces found in Afghanistan or you may sense an influence from far Eastern cultures.
Each hand-made piece is as vibrant as it is unique
as I combine ethnic relics with
modern materials.

I consider my jewelry to be wearable art, with each piece reflecting the personality of the person wearing it in a unique and emotional way.

Kirschengasse 2 Dieburg

Soziale Medien
geschäft für modeaccessoires, juweliergeschäft, schmuckdesigner

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